Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris is referred to as Universiti (UPSI). The UPSI campus is located in the town of Tanjong Malim in the state of Perak. About 70km (43.75 miles) north of Kuala Lumpur via the North -South Expressway. Its location is on the border of Perak and Selangor which is separated by Sungai Bernam. It was the first teaching college in Malaysia opened in 1913 in Taiping under the name Maktab Perguruan Matang. The college used Ngah Ibrahim's house building before moving permanently to Tanjung Malim and given a new name in conjunction with the sultan of Perak. UPSI was declared as a university on 1 May 1997 through Government Gazette PU (A) 132 & 133, dated 24 February 1997, under two Orders, namely the Sultan ldris University of Education (Corporation) Order 1997 and the Sultan ldris University of Education (Campus) Order. 1997. Chronologically, the development of UPSI has gone through three eras, namely the SITC era (29 November 1922 -1957), the MPSI era (1957 -1987), and the IPSI era (21 February 1987 -April 1997). UPSI has two campuses, namely the Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS) and the Sultan Azlan Shah Campus (KSAS) which are unique in educational leadership based on the glory of history and leading global change. Tanjong Malim is seen as the only place that best fits the characteristics of location and geographical factors as intended by Winstedt to build a college. On 26 May 1917, Tanjong Malim was officially selected as the site for the construction of the college with 64 hectares of land was purchased at a price of $ 49,000.00 to be used as a campus and construction work began in August 1919. At the beginning of the establishment of UPSI, there were only four faculties offering ten study programs. The faculties are the Faculty of Languages, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Arts, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and the Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development. In 2002, two new faculties were established, namely the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, bringing the total number of faculties to six with a total of 19 courses of study at the undergraduate level to date, nine faculties have been established. In the beginning of 2001, the development of UPSI was intensified with the construction of a Gymnasium, Library, Auditorium, Music Education Complex, lecture halls and others. Some of the existing facilities that are the legacy of SITC-MPSI-IPSI were overhauled with several renovations, in line with technological advances. Apart from that, the facilities available are transportation, because UPSI has provided facilities to facilitate the movement of students starting from the bus station at Aminuddin Baki college (KAB) and the bus will travel to two destinations, namely Sultan Azlan Shah Campus (KSAS) and the Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS). The bus working in the new campus will go around the new campus such as in blocks, lecture halls, upsi arenas and for the old campus will go to the East Gate (PT).
6 hostels of Universiti Sultan Idris which are better known as colleges. There are 5 residential colleges in UPSI which consist of 4 master's degree student colleges and 1 diploma student college. The off -campus student residence area is known as the Off -Campus Residential Unit (UKLK) which covers several zones around Tanjung Malim, Behrang, Slim River and Ulu Bernam. The colleges on campus are Aminuddin Baki College (KAB), Za'ba College (KZ), Harun Aminurrashid College (KHAR), Ungku Omar College (KUO), Awang Had Salleh College (KAHS). Meanwhile, the off -campus residential college is the Off -Campus Residential Unit (UKLK). Universiti Sultan Idris (UPSI) will provide hostels for students who are active during their studies, but students who are less active in terms of program participation will be off campus. The equipment in each dormitory is quite complete whether it is a wardrobe, table, table lamp and so on in the dormitory room, as well as bathrooms, toilets and kitchens which all bring many facilities in the daily lives of students. In addition, each college also has its own cafe, and each hostel cafe has its own food options. If students want to eat different foods, students can also walk to the cafeteria at a nearby hostel to eat.
Later, UPSI also has shopping malls, cafes, cash machines, bookstores and others. At the same time, in the cafe students can also taste Chinese, Malay and Indian food here. In addition, students can also sweep car service or car rental in the university is also available for students.
Every year, UPSI student unions and hostels will hold various celebrations, such as: Mid -Autumn Festival Gala, New Year Gala, cultural night and charity banquet, so students in their hometown far from UPSI can also feel the festive atmosphere on campus. Students here can join various Associations and clubs established by the university such as the Red Crescent association, Ambulance St. John, Student, Aquaculture and Horticulture, and others. In addition, there are many club activities to participate in, such as debates, martial arts, dance and culture, and so on. By participating in these activities can not only expand the environment in socializing but also can create an attitude of leadership, cooperation and more among university residents.